Hello, I am Ansh a software engineer

At the intersection of technology and innovation, I engineer software solutions that are as strategic as they are user-friendly. With a penchant for agile development and a passion for continuous learning, I'm carving out a niche in the tech world where code meets creativity.

skills & technologies

Learning new technologies by the day.


Lines of Code

Web Development

Expertise in crafting high-performance websites with a keen eye for design.

Data Structures & Algorithms

Strong foundation in data structures and algorithms, enabling the creation of efficient and scalable web applications.

REST API Design & Development

Experienced in RESTful API design and development, ensuring robust and secure data interchange.

Database Management

In-depth knowledge of database design and management, experienced with SQL and NoSQL databases.

  • MERN Stack95%
  • Next.js93%
  • Data Structures & Algorithms (C++)90%
  • Git Version Control90%
  • AWS Deployment90%

Work Experience History & Timeline

A brief summary of what I have done so far in my life.


Years of Learnings

  1. 13 JULY 2020

    I had graduated from high school

    School Information

    I did my high school from Adarsh Public School in New Delhi, India.

    Final Grades

    I graduated with 94% marks in 12th grade.


    Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science, & English.


    I played table tennis for my school and won many zonal & inter-zonal competitions.

  2. 18 Aug 2020

    Started Bsc in computer science for University of Texas at Arlington.

    In August 2020, as I enthusiastically geared up to start my bachelor's journey at the University of Texas at Arlington, Mother Nature tossed a global-sized curveball called COVID-19, leading to an unexpected plot twist. So, instead of strolling through the campus grounds, brimming with the excitement of new beginnings, I found myself navigating the hallowed virtual halls of academia from my bedroom in India.

    Attending online lectures across time zones had its quirks; my nocturnal owl tendencies finally found a purpose beyond late-night snacks and binge-watching. Balancing a cup of chai in one hand while deciphering complex algorithms became my new party trick. And who knew my keyboard skills would level up thanks to the rapid-fire participation in class discussions (and the occasional 'your mic is muted' fiasco)?

  3. 02 Jan 2021

    Moved to Arlington, Texas.

    In January 2021, I swapped the lively streets of New Delhi for the vast Texan landscapes as I moved to the University of Texas at Arlington. The transition was as swift as it was exciting—exchanging home-cooked meals for barbecue feasts, and traditional greetings for a casual 'Howdy!' Settling into the Texan way of life was a brisk walk rather than a full-on sprint, and I navigated the change with an open mind and an eagerness to dive into my studies and campus life. Here's to new beginnings and embracing everything Texas has to offer!

  4. 26 May 2021

    Started my first job at the UTA bookstore.

    User Experience Focus

    At the bookstore's reception, I was the first point of contact, similar to a user interface in software. This taught me the importance of creating positive first impressions and intuitive interactions, principles I apply to design user-centric software.

    Efficient Process Management

    Handling multiple queries simultaneously honed my multitasking abilities. In software engineering, this translates to writing clean, robust, and efficient code that can handle various functions without a hitch.

    Clear Communication

    Assisting a diverse clientele polished my ability to communicate effectively. As a software engineer, clear communication is crucial for documenting code and collaborating with cross-functional teams to bring complex projects to fruition.

  5. 05 SEP 2021

    Worked as Lab Assistant for Office of Information Technology at UTA

    Technical Troubleshooting

    I was the go-to person for resolving tech hiccups, which sharpened my troubleshooting skills. This experience was a practical prelude to debugging in software development, where identifying and solving issues is a daily endeavor.

    System Testing & QA

    Running tests on systems during software upgrades taught me the critical role of quality assurance. This meticulous attention to detail now aids me in creating robust software that stands up to rigorous testing.

    User Support & Feedback Integration

    Providing hands-on support in the lab, I learned to listen to user feedback and translate it into actionable insights. These skills are invaluable in software engineering, as user feedback often drives the iteration of technology solutions.

  6. 15 Dec 2021

    Promoted to Technology Assistant at OIT

    Systems Administration

    Managing Information and Client Technology, I mastered re-imaging Windows and MacOS devices with Autopilot and Jamf, skills that translate into understanding the intricacies of operating systems — a valuable asset in software engineering.

    Database Management

    Transitioned university's database to Azure's Active Directory, I boosted its reliability by 45%, which underscored the impact of cloud services on operational efficiency and introduced me to the realm of scalable, secure database solutions.

    Automation through Scripting

    Writing Powershell and bash scripts to streamline the configuration process by 50% was a practical foray into automation, a fundamental skill for developing software that's both robust and responsive.

  7. 15 MAY 2022

    Got rejected from my first technical interview

    The Art of Resilience

    The rejection became a catalyst for growth. It taught me that resilience isn't about avoiding failure but rising each time we fall.

    Sharpening the Saw

    I took a deep dive into data structures and algorithms, turning a point of weakness into one of strength. This rigorous practice didn't just prepare me for future interviews; it enhanced my problem-solving skills, crucial for any software engineering challenge.

    Continuous Learning

    Embracing the philosophy that every experience is a stepping stone, I've come to view continuous learning as the cornerstone of personal and professional development in the tech industry.

  8. 20 Aug 2022

    Worked as TA for Data Structures & Algorithms

    As a Teaching Assistant for Data Structures and Algorithms at the College of Engineering in Arlington, I contributed to the enhancement of the academic framework by collaborating on the development and adoption of a new curriculum. This experience sharpened my ability to break down complex technical subjects into digestible concepts, a skill directly translatable to software engineering. My role involved mentoring students, where I facilitated a 15% improvement in their performance by conducting office hours and review sessions. This reinforced my communication and teaching abilities, critical for any collaborative environment. Additionally, assessing student work and providing constructive feedback refined my attention to detail and critical thinking, which are invaluable when writing and reviewing code in my software engineering endeavors.

  9. 22 MAY 2023

    Software Engineering Intern at Amazon

    Project Development

    During my tenure as a Software Engineering Intern at Amazon in Palo Alto, California, I focused on developing an AWS-based automated validation service for Amazon Ads. By utilizing Java, I contributed to the scalability of the third-party script testing platform, enhancing its capability to handle a larger volume and variety of ad scripts.

    Productivity Enhancement

    I played a pivotal role in streamlining the ad script ingestion process. By automating previously manual workflows, I boosted the team's productivity by 40%. This not only expedited processes but also significantly reduced the workload for on-call engineers, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks.

    Innovation in Testing

    I pioneered the implementation of an automated ad testing service using Selenium, which was hosted on AWS Lambda. This innovation was a game-changer, slashing the ad script testing time from 2 days to a mere 30 minutes. This dramatic reduction in testing duration enabled a faster ad deployment cycle, thereby accelerating the go-to-market strategy for ads across Amazon's global marketplace.

    Impact on Deployment

    The automated services I developed and implemented had a tangible impact on Amazon Ads' deployment process. By reducing dependencies on manual interventions and lengthy testing times, the solutions I provided allowed for quicker iterations and a more agile response to market needs, aligning with Amazon's customer-centric philosophy.

  10. 22 Aug 2023

    App Development Lead Intern at Go Together (Startup)

    Agile Leadership

    As the App Development Project Lead Intern at Go Together, a forward-thinking startup, I orchestrated Android and iOS development teams to create an innovative carpooling application. By embracing Agile methodologies and Scrum practices, I spearheaded efforts to enhance team efficiency by an impressive 60%, leading to streamlined development cycles and a robust product roadmap.

    Technical Engineering

    In a hands-on technical capacity, I engineered a cross-platform .NET back-end, which was instrumental in streamlining service delivery. My contributions led to a significant performance improvement, reducing query times from 150ms to 50ms, thereby elevating the user experience by ensuring quicker and more responsive interactions within the app.

    Legacy System Modernization

    I directed the modernization of an undocumented legacy codebase, a challenge that I approached with a strategic blend of technical expertise and project management. By integrating industry-standard practices and overseeing a disciplined documentation process, I ensured the delivery of well-documented, high-quality code, setting new benchmarks for future development initiatives.

    Quality Assurance and Compliance

    Under my leadership, the development teams aligned technical deliverables with the highest industry standards. This meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality have been pivotal in shipping a carpooling app that not only meets user needs but also adheres to the rigorous demands of app marketplaces, ensuring smooth deployments and user satisfaction.

  11. Present

    Looking Forward For More Opportunities

    As I continue my internship at Go Together, my role as App Development Project Lead Intern remains a beacon of growth and learning in my professional voyage. With each passing day, I am delving into the multifaceted world of web development, mastering the nuances of both the aesthetic front-end and the powerhouse back-end operations. Simultaneously, I am navigating the exciting terrain of machine learning, aiming to weave its transformative potential into the fabric of our application services. This constant learning curve fuels my ambition to pioneer solutions that resonate with users' evolving needs. In this pursuit, I am actively seeking new opportunities that will not only challenge my burgeoning skill set but also allow me to leave a lasting impact on the technology landscape.


Browse my Github for more.


Projects and counting

Contact Me Lets Get In Touch

I am available all the time for any project according to my skills.


My Github